Let’s be real—some days just suck. You overslept, spilled coffee on your outfit, and somehow every little thing seems to go wrong, and you think maybe Murphy’s Law should be renamed for you. Other days things are great.
But here’s the truth: every day—good, bad, or somewhere in between—offers you a gift.
The secret is knowing where to look for that hidden gift (no matter how well-hidden it is) and what to do with it when you find it.
At the end of any day, ask yourself:
What was my takeaway from today?
If there were one thing I would change or do differently, what would it be?
What was I supposed to learn?
Hold onto the things that went well - no matter how large or small. They’re your “do-again” highlights, little victories to build on tomorrow.
Maybe you snapped at someone in frustration or let procrastination steal your time. Maybe you ate something not aligned with your health goals.
You don’t need to beat yourself up about those moments - they are not failures; they’re lessons if you choose to see them as such.
Take a minute to reflect—not with guilt or shame, but with curiosity. If you could rewind to that tough moment, what would you do differently if you had a do-over?
Because every new day is a do-over.
What would a wiser, more patient version of you say or do? These reflections aren’t about regret or self-blame; they’re about fine-tuning how you show up in the world. Just take a neutral look at your day and see what you were meant to learn from it.
The beauty of this practice is its power to turn even a “bad” day into something meaningful. Did that argument with your partner teach you something about how you communicate under stress? Did missing a deadline remind you why boundaries with your time matter? These aren’t just tough spots—they’re growth edges. And trust me, any mistake you make will teach you a lesson way better than randomly getting it right the first time.
And don’t forget to savor what went right. The point is simply to do more of what worked and less of what didn’t work.
If you can look at any part of your day that didn’t go the way you would have liked, and figure out what you were meant to learn from that, not only will your days get better and better, but you will weather the hard parts much better too.
If you think it’s hard to do this, we need to talk, so please reach out to me.
Write to me at [email protected] to let me know what you'd like help with, or book a call:
Stress/overwhelm/work-life/relationship issues: endselfsabotagenow.com
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...With Dr. Jill Rosenthal
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