evening eating

Why Evening Snacking Is Hard to Resist - And What You Can Do About It

January 17, 20245 min read

A lot of my clients find that it’s really hard for them to avoid snacking or even binging in the evening. 

They understand the concept of closing the kitchen after dinner. 

They have the best of intentions about not eating anything more between dinner and bedtime. 

It seems like it should be so straightforward and easy, no?

But something goes wrong.

They may not even really be hungry, but they just have an urge to eat. 

  • It might suddenly come up out of nowhere, or it might be persistent mind chatter all evening.  

  • Some people find that they’re OK in the evening but they just feel like they can’t go to sleep without a bedtime snack. 

  • Others just mindlessly graze all evening. 

Often evening eating is done in combination with downtime, such as watching television, after a long and exhausting day, when people just seek to numb their brains and relax, sometimes even consciously telling themselves, they deserve to veg out and eat as a reward for everything they have done that day. 

But whether that little internal voice saying “You’ve earned this” is conscious or unconscious, the result is the same…you end up eating.

The standard advice all involves willpower.  

Yeah, right.

Even things that work really well for some people, like brushing and flossing your teeth right after dinner, don’t work for everyone. I’ve had the occasional client tell me they’ll eat anyway even though they know they’ll have to go through their whole bedtime dental routine again.

So what might work better? 

Well, here’s something I’ve noticed that I bet will help you, too.

When I find myself doing something truly engaging in the evening, that really interests me, I don’t even think about food. 

If I’m watching a video for a class, and I have to pay attention and take notes quickly, there’s no time to be thinking about food, let alone eating.  

Similarly, if I’m working on writing something, I’m really energized, and I don’t feel like lying on the couch watching TV (to the great disappointment of my cats, who want to lie on top of me on the couch) or snacking. 

Something that occupies both hands also works, even if it’s not involving major brain work. I don’t have to be typing on the computer.  If I’m just watching TV, crocheting while I watch keeps my hands too busy to be transporting food to my mouth.

So I ask you - have you ever been so engrossed in an activity that you completely forgot about food?  

What if, instead of defaulting to passive activities that often lead to snacking, you engage in something stimulating and fun? 

Imagine ending your day feeling invigorated and proud, rather than sluggish and regretful about your choices.

Here are some ways you can transform your evening eating (and your evenings):

1.  Find engaging activities: Whether it's a hobby such as painting, playing a musical instrument, or crafting, find something that absorbs your attention and ignites your passion. Even decluttering a drawer or cabinet will keep your mind and your hands too busy to eat, and will feel really satisfying!

2.  Engage in Physical Activities: How about a post-dinner walk, a dance session, or some light yoga? These activities not only distract you from eating but also boost your mood and energy levels. And they are fun whether you do them solo or with a friend or family member.

3.  Intellectual Stimulation: Love puzzles, reading, or learning something new? These mentally engaging activities can be incredibly satisfying and a great way to divert your mind from the kitchen.

4.  Connect with Loved Ones: Sometimes, all you need is a good conversation with a friend or family member. These interactions can be deeply fulfilling and a great way to spend your evening. This is especially true if you are prone to cravings, because it turns out that what you are really seeking in food is the emotional connection with other people. 

5.  Plan for the Next Day: Use this time to organize your thoughts and plans for the following day. It not only keeps you occupied but also sets you up for a productive tomorrow.

What are some really fun things you could do in the evening that would give you more energy, rather than predisposing you to sit around and eat?  If you did those things, how would you feel about yourself?

Feeling stuck or unsure where to start? That's where I step in. Together, we can explore what excites and motivates you, creating a personalized plan to transform your evenings, and your relationship with food.

Reach out to me, and let's figure out a personalized plan that’s just right for you.

Remember, it's not just about avoiding the snack - because it’s actually not about the food.  It’s about what’s going on between your ears that controls what’s going into your mouth. And that’s the thing you really need to deal with. If you aren’t sure how to do that, talk to me.

What do you want your evenings (and your days) to look like? I’d love to hear from you!

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Jill R. Rosenthal, M.D.

Dr. Rosenthal is an award-winning Harvard and Stanford educated physician who retired after a 35+ year career teaching and practicing medicine at Tufts Medical School and Group Health Cooperative/Kaiser Permanente and began a second career as a wellness and mindset coach, after experiencing her own medical journey and developing an interest in other areas of health and wellness. She provides premium coaching to help busy professionals and entrepreneurs rapidly release unconscious thoughts, emotions, and behavior patterns that block them and hold them back from their true greatness, so that they can easily achieve their goals without struggling or self-sabotage, allowing them to live the life they dream of, and deserve.

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