Weight Loss Lessons From Cats? Say What?

Weight Loss Lessons From Cats? Say What?

The other morning I was on a call with a client, and as usual, one of my cats climbed into my lap. It turned out she was there to emphasize something I teach my clients. ...more

Emotions ,Cravings Overeating &Emotional Eating

August 14, 20222 min read

Want To Declare Independence From Overeating?

Want To Declare Independence From Overeating?

Independence Day is coming in a few days. What will your eating look like? It’s Time To Declare Independence From Overe ...more

Cravings ,Overeating &Emotional Eating

July 01, 20223 min read

Are stress and overwhelm getting in the way of your efforts to lose weight?

Are stress and overwhelm getting in the way of your efforts to lose weight?

Are stress and overwhelm getting in the way of your efforts to lose weight? Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, and trapped in some area of your life? Or maybe you get anxious thinking ... ...more

Cravings ,Overeating Stress &Emotional Eating

June 11, 20227 min read

Memorial Day Barbecues Don't Have To Mean Pigging Out!

Memorial Day Barbecues Don't Have To Mean Pigging Out!

For a lot of people, Memorial Day marks the beginning of the summer season, even though summer doesn't officially start for several more weeks. And for a lot of people, it also marks the beginning of... ...more

Cravings ,Overeating &Emotional Eating

May 30, 20223 min read

You don't have to eat your way through grief

You don't have to eat your way through grief

You don't have to eat your way through grief. One of the big triggers for emotional eating is grief, especially around the winter holidays when we are used to spending time with family and friends. ... ...more

weight loss ,Overeating &Emotional Eating

December 05, 20218 min read

What do you really want?

What do you really want?

What do you really want?  There is a difference between "wanting to not overeat" and wanting to "not want to overeat." There is a difference between "wanting to not drink" and wanting to "not want t... ...more

weight loss ,Cravings Overeating &Emotional Eating

November 21, 20213 min read

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The Designer Life Doctor

Premium Coaching

...With Dr. Jill Rosenthal

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