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Are You Spending Your Time on What Really Matters?

December 22, 20243 min read

What would your schedule look like if it could be exactly the way you wanted? Would you spend more time on your passions? More time with family? Less time at work? Doing different work, or changing some of your job responsibilities or schedule? 

What would you change if you could?

Here’s the real question: What’s stopping you from doing all of that?

For most of us, the roadblock isn’t time or even circumstances, despite the fact that this is what we usually tell ourselves is the barrier. 

Most of us let our dreams slip through our fingers simply because we don’t see them as possible. And if you don’t see something as possible you definitely won’t take any steps to make it happen. In fact, most people don’t even dare to dream because they are so convinced that they will just be disappointed. 

But here’s the thing: What are you waiting for? Why not now? If not now, when?

I used to think I had forever. Then cancer came and shook that illusion. At 66, I hope for decades more of a purposeful and fun life. But I also know that I cannot take anything for granted and I need to do the things I love and let the rest go. And one thing I’ve learned is that it’s my responsibility—no one else’s—to make sure my life reflects what truly matters to me.

So I ask you: Is your work schedule the life you dreamed of, or is it running you into the ground? Are you spending your precious time on tasks that feel meaningful, or are you stuck in a loop of “have to” and “should”? If your workday feels like a marathon of stress, it’s time to re-evaluate.

And is your home life what you want? Are you spending time with the people you love, and making time for the activities you love? How are your relationships going? Are they thriving, or do they need some TLC and nurturing?

This doesn’t mean walking away from your career (or your relationship) tomorrow. It means starting small. Could you delegate something you dread, at work or at home? Set boundaries to protect your evenings? Or carve out time for a project that excites you? Work doesn’t have to consume you, and it certainly shouldn’t come at the cost of your health or happiness.

If you want to work part-time instead of full-time, what’s stopping you? You may think it’s money but chances are that it’s not quite that simple. Chances are that you could tweak a few things to make it work.

What would have to happen for your life to be the way you want it? 

What would you have to think or feel in order for you to make that happen, or, if we get honest, for you to let yourself make that happen?

Life has a way of handing us wake-up calls, and most of my clients have already had one, but why wait for a life-threatening illness to force change? And if you did have that wake-up call, did you respond to it by creating the life you want? 

Take a good, hard look at how you’re spending your time. If it’s not mostly on things you love—or at least value deeply—it’s time to make changes. And if you’re not sure where to begin, let’s talk. Together, we will identify what you really, truly want, and then figure out what shifts would make the biggest difference in helping you get it. Because you deserve it!

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Jill R. Rosenthal, M.D.

Dr. Rosenthal is an award-winning Harvard and Stanford educated physician who retired after a 35+ year career teaching and practicing medicine at Tufts Medical School and Group Health Cooperative/Kaiser Permanente and began a second career as a wellness and mindset coach, after experiencing her own medical journey and developing an interest in other areas of health and wellness. She provides premium coaching to help busy professionals and entrepreneurs rapidly release unconscious thoughts, emotions, and behavior patterns that block them and hold them back from their true greatness, so that they can easily achieve their goals without struggling or self-sabotage, allowing them to live the life they dream of, and deserve.

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...With Dr. Jill Rosenthal

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