Ever feel like you’re so many plates in the air that one is bound to come crashing down on your head? Or that maybe after one falls, maybe all of them will follow? If so, it’s time to look at how well you’re delegating. IF you're delegating at all.
We’ve all had it drilled into us that delegation is essential, yet so many of us struggle to let go of even the tiniest tasks.
I’d bet people (besides me) are even suggesting that you delegate something.
Maybe you’re not getting something done and it’s holding someone else up and they are actually asking if they can help you move it along. Wouldn’t you want to do whatever you could to keep things moving at work or at home?
So, let's dive into what you could delegate and what's holding you back.
Firstly, it's vital to understand the benefits of delegation. When you delegate effectively, you free up time for tasks that truly require your expertise. This not only boosts productivity but also empowers others in your team, making them feel trusted and capable. And as mentioned above, if you’re the bottleneck or rate-limiting step in your business, eventually it’s going to bug people and/or cost your business money.
Routine Tasks: Think about the repetitive daily tasks that consume your time. This could be anything from scheduling meetings to managing emails. These are perfect candidates for delegation.
Specialized Tasks: Tasks that require expertise you don’t have. Why spend hours grappling with something when someone else could do it in half the time with better results?
Time-Consuming Research: Need market research or a competitor analysis? Delegate these to someone who can gather the information while you focus on strategy.
Administrative Duties: Invoicing, data entry, and other administrative tasks can be handled by an assistant or a junior team member.
Perfectionism: The belief that no one can do it as well as you can. This mindset is a trap that leads to burnout. Remember, good enough is usually just that.
Lack of Trust: If you don’t trust your team to handle tasks, it might be time to invest in training or reconsider whether they’re the right fit. Building a reliable team is crucial. But also consider whether the trust issue is more about you than it is about your team.
Fear of Losing Control: Delegating doesn’t mean you’re out of the loop. Set up regular check-ins and updates to ensure everything is on track.
Time to Train: It’s true that teaching someone how to do a task can take time. But this is an investment. Once trained, your team member can handle the task independently, saving you time in the long run. You or they can create SOPs that save so much time and ensure things stay moving when you or anyone else is out of the office for vacation, illness, or any other reason.
Guilt: Feeling guilty for offloading tasks can be paralyzing. However, delegating is not dumping. It’s about ensuring tasks are handled by the right people, maximizing efficiency and productivity. And when framed as empowering people rather than dumping on them it improves the culture at your organization and builds connection and trust.
Identify Tasks: List down tasks you perform daily. Highlight those that don’t need your personal attention. Create some SOPs (standard operating procedures) that people can use.
Choose the Right Person: Match tasks to team members based on their strengths and development areas.
Set Clear Expectations: Communicate what needs to be done, the deadlines, and the expected outcomes.
Provide Resources: Ensure they have the tools and resources needed to complete the task. Be available as people are learning how to do things.
Monitor and Support: Check in regularly, offer guidance, and provide feedback.
Part of the reason most people have trouble delegating is that it feels like they are giving up control of the process and the outcome, and it is that fear that holds them back.
But really it’s about managing your time and resources effectively so you can do the right things. Once you try delegating and have some success and realize everything is okay, you’ll be okay too.
It’s kind of like skydiving - you’re not 100% sure the parachute will open until it does.
You can always get more money, but you can’t get more time.
By identifying what you can delegate and overcoming the barriers, you can focus on doing the things that only you can do, and enhance productivity across your team. So, take a deep breath, trust your team, and start delegating, even if it’s just with one tiny little baby step!
That being said, often rationally, cognitively understanding that you should do something, and even wanting to do so, isn’t enough to get you to actually do it.
If it were, you’d probably have done it by now, right?
If you’re feeling like you just can’t quite get yourself to take that leap, please reach out to me. I’ve got a whole bunch of exercises and resources that could help you get your life back!
Write to me at [email protected] to let me know what you'd like help with, or book a call:
Stress/overwhelm/work-life/relationship issues: endselfsabotagenow.com
Weight loss or emotional eating: releaseemotionaleating.com
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