Are You Protecting Your Heart or Locking It Away? How to Find the Balance Between Boundaries and Isolation.

Are You Protecting Your Heart or Locking It Away? How to Find the Balance Between Boundaries and Isolation.

Are your efforts to protect yourself getting in the way of getting back into your life? ...more

Emotions ,Relationships Self-Care &Cancer

March 02, 20253 min read

I Almost Forgot....

I Almost Forgot....

Life is normal enough now that I almost forgot that 6 years ago today, my life changed forever. I was lying in bed and my hand brushed over my upper chest and I noticed it. A lump. ...more

Health ,Burnout Cancer &Stress

February 06, 20243 min read

5 years ago today, my life changed forever5 years ago today, my life changed forever

5 years ago today, my life changed forever5 years ago today, my life changed forever

5 years ago today, my life changed forever. I was lying in bed and my hand brushed over my upper chest and I noticed it. A lump. ...more

Health ,Emotions Cancer &Stress

February 06, 20233 min read

A tasty way to get in those vegetables and reduce your breast cancer risk

A tasty way to get in those vegetables and reduce your breast cancer risk

You probably already know that if you’re under a lot of stress, or you are carrying around extra pounds, your risk of breast cancer is increased. Here's how to reduce that risk. ...more

weight loss ,Health &Cancer

July 25, 20223 min read

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The Designer Life Doctor

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...With Dr. Jill Rosenthal

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