Are your efforts to protect yourself getting in the way of getting back into your life? ...more
Emotions ,Relationships Self-Care &Cancer
March 02, 2025•3 min read
Life is normal enough now that I almost forgot that 6 years ago today, my life changed forever. I was lying in bed and my hand brushed over my upper chest and I noticed it. A lump. ...more
Health ,Burnout Cancer &Stress
February 06, 2024•3 min read
5 years ago today, my life changed forever. I was lying in bed and my hand brushed over my upper chest and I noticed it. A lump. ...more
Health ,Emotions Cancer &Stress
February 06, 2023•3 min read
You probably already know that if you’re under a lot of stress, or you are carrying around extra pounds, your risk of breast cancer is increased. Here's how to reduce that risk. ...more
weight loss ,Health &Cancer
July 25, 2022•3 min read
The Designer Life Doctor
...With Dr. Jill Rosenthal
Email: [email protected]
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