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My new ebooklet is FINALLY published!

July 30, 20221 min read

Hey everyone!  It's finally ready!

(Note: if you aren't interested in why you or your friends/family members/patients have trouble losing weight, this is not for you and you should stop reading now and wait till next week's blog).

Many of you have been patiently waiting for my e-booklet, "The Dirty Dozen Reasons Why You Can't Seem To Lose Weight And Keep It Off, No Matter How Hard You Try" to be published.

I'm pleased to report that after many months of editing, it's finally ready for release.  💝🎊🎉🥳👏🏻🎈🍾

I know we always say "done is better than perfect" and I'm sure this isn't perfect (since nothing ever is) but I wanted it to be really special so I've been working on it for a long time and I hope you like it!

To access your free copy, you can click here

After you read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Once you download it, you'll receive a few more emails over the next few days with additional information, and after that maybe one or two emails a week unless there's something special going on.

If you see anything in there that resonates with you and you want to talk about it, reach out to me by email or the contact us page!

To receive the blog and content like this right to your inbox, click here:

Write to me at [email protected] to let me know what you'd like help with, or book a call:

Stress/overwhelm/work-life/relationship issues: endselfsabotagenow.com

Weight loss or emotional eating:  releaseemotionaleating.com

Stress-Free Professionals and Entrepreneurs Facebook Group:

Release Emotional Eating and Self-Sabotage Facebook Group:

CravingsWeight lossOvereatngEmotional Eating
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Jill R. Rosenthal, M.D.

Dr. Rosenthal is an award-winning Harvard and Stanford educated physician who retired after a 35+ year career teaching and practicing medicine at Tufts Medical School and Group Health Cooperative/Kaiser Permanente and began a second career as a wellness and mindset coach, after experiencing her own medical journey and developing an interest in other areas of health and wellness. She provides premium coaching to help busy professionals and entrepreneurs rapidly release unconscious thoughts, emotions, and behavior patterns that block them and hold them back from their true greatness, so that they can easily achieve their goals without struggling or self-sabotage, allowing them to live the life they dream of, and deserve.

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Relea​se It! ​​...Forever

The Designer Life Doctor

Premium Coaching

...With Dr. Jill Rosenthal

Copyright 2023 Release It!...Forever LLC