Do you live with food cravings? Are there foods that call to you?
Do you give in to your cravings?
Do you struggle to fight them off?
What if you just didn't even have your cravings anymore?
What would that do for you?
Join us for a FREE WORKSHOP where you will release your cravings.
Not just talk about how to do it, but actually DO it.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
10 am pacific / 1 pm eastern
We're going to talk about why you have trouble losing weight (or keeping it off), the reasons you have trouble with cravings and emotional eating (and the difference between them), and then we're going to do an exercise that will allow you to kiss a craving goodbye.
Don't worry, you won't dislike your craving food after we do this.
You just won't be controlled by it anymore.
Instead, you'll be in control.
PLUS, there will be opportunities for one on one hot-seat laser coaching as well as time for Q&A.
Go to to sign up and I'll see you soon!
P.S. - Do you know someone else that would love to ditch their food cravings? INVITE A FRIEND to join you at the workshop. Send them to - they'll thank you for it!
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Write to me at [email protected] to let me know what you'd like help with, or book a call:
Stress/overwhelm/work-life/relationship issues:
Weight loss or emotional eating:
The Designer Life Doctor
...With Dr. Jill Rosenthal
Email: [email protected]
Copyright 2023 Release It!...Forever LLC